Dienstag, 20. Oktober 2015

Das Vierte Gebot Punkte 208 – 214

Das Vierte Gebot
208) Das vierte Gebot soll uns wissen lassen, dass der Herr Er der Gott ist, wie geschrieben steht: "Wisse heute und antworte aufrichtig, dass der Herr Er der Gott ist." Der Name Gott [Elokim] sollte in den Namen Herr [HaWaYaH] eingeschlossen werden, um zu wissen, dass sie eins sind und es keine Trennung zwischen ihnen gibt.
Kommentar: HaWaYaH ist SA, und Elokim ist Nukwa de SA. SA und Nukwa müssen ohne jede Trennung zwischen ihnen vereinigt werden, damit der Name Elokim, Nukwa, im Namen HaWaYaH, SA, eingeschlossen wird, und Nukwa als HaWaYaH ebenso betrachtet wird. Diese Vereinigung ist Ausdehnung von GaR zu SoN, da die Vereinigung des Lesens von Shema, das im dritten Gebot erklärt ist, dazu da war, um WaK von AwI bis SoN auszudehnen, und die hier erklärte Vereinigung ist für ausgedehnte GaR von AwI zu SoN. Das ist die Regel – dass überhaupt jede Stufe auszudehnen nicht mit einem Male sein kann. Vielmehr muss man zuerst WaK dieser Stufe ausdehnen und dann GaR.

209) It is written, "Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven," to shine over the earth, so the two names, HaVaYaH Elokim, will be one without any separation at all. Thus, the "Lights" without the Vav [in Hebrew], Malchut, Elokim, will be included in the name "Heaven," who is ZA, HaVaYaH, for they are one and there is no separation in them.
A black light, which is Malchut, is white light, which is ZA. There is no separation between them and it is all one. This is the white cloud of the day and the cloud of fire of the night. The quality of day, ZA, and the quality of night, Malchut, are corrected in one another in one unification to shine, as it is written, "To give light upon the earth."
Explanation: The Nukva is called "Lights" without a Vav [in Hebrew], indicating the diminution of the moon, as we learn that in the beginning the two lights were on an equal level and the moon complained that two kings do not use the same Keter, so the Creator told her, "Go and diminish yourself." Then her bottom nine descended to the world of Beria and she was diminished into a point under Yesod de ZA.
After she is diminished, Malchut should be included in the name "heaven," ZA, meaning to make her big again so she is on an equal level with ZA, PBP [Panim be Panim (face-to-face)]. The Nukva should be raised back from the world of Beria to Atzilut and to correct the separation that occurred between ZA and the Nukva during the diminution of the moon.
The diminution of the moon is that the harsh Din in Leah's heels was dominating the Nukva, by which she diminished into a point, and her bottom nine fell into Beria. And through the unification of the Shema reading in the third Mitzva, Nukva was built in VAK, in the lower unification "Blessed be the name of the glory of His kingdom forever and ever" because through the power of Din in her, she corrected the Dalet in Ehad, who was dry and desolate, into a land that bears fruits and offspring.
The black in the Nukva, the force of Din in her, which lowered her into a point, rose to actual light. Specifically by the power of the Din, the Dalet in Ehad was built into a land that is inhabited and bears fruit. Were it not for the force of Din in the Nukva, the Dalet in Ehad, the Tevuna, would remain dry and desolate. Thus, the force of Din in her became actual light. It is called "black light" because the blackness was the cause of that light.
It is also regarded as light of VAK, which is light of Hassadim. Hence, now it is possible to extend white light to VAK de Nukva, too, meaning light of Hochma, GAR, since white means Hochma, by raising the ZON to the palace of upper AVI. This is because now Nukva de ZA can mingle with AVI like ZA, since the force of Din in her has become actual light. And although it is black light, it is not at all a partition, preventing her from integrating in upper AVI, since there is no separation between black, Malchut, in white light, ZA, and it is all one.
Since Nukva is considered light, she can be included in the light of AVI, for light in light are two of a kind and are regarded as one. And the blackness, which causes her light, does not part or degrade her at all, for it is the cause of all her merit, as without it she would not be considered light.
This is the white cloud of the day and the cloud of fire of the night. The quality of day is ZA, and the quality of night is Malchut. By uniting and including ZON in AVI, when ZA was included in upper Aba and Nukva in upper Ima, ZA became a white cloud for the light of day, and Nukva a cloud of fire for the light of the night-the quality of day and the quality of night that are united in one another, as it is written, "And there was morning, one day." They are corrected in one another in a single unification to shine, as it is written, "To give light upon the earth," meaning that the quality of day is included in the quality of night, Nukva, in one day. Also, they are corrected in one another to give light upon the earth, to Nukva's masses in the three worlds BYA.

210) Das ist die Sünde der Urschlange, die sich unten verbindet und sich oben trennt. Und aus diesem Grund verursachte sie, was sie an der Welt verursachte, da sie unten getrennt und oben verbunden sein sollte. Außerdem muss das schwarze Licht, Malchut, oben in SA in einer einzigen Verbindung vereinigt sein, so dass später Malchut in ihren Heerscharen in einer Vereinigung vereinigt sein wird, um sie von der bösen Seite zu trennen.

Das ist so, weil die Vereinigung der Ausdehnung von GaR zu SoN nur durch ihre Erhebung zum Platz von AwI oberhalb von Chase de AA ist. SA ist in Aba, Nukwa in Ima eingeschlossen, und dann vereinigen sie sich beide und SA gibt GaR von Aba zu Nukwa, die Ima kleidet. Aber unterhalb von Chase de AA, wo SoN dauerhaft stehen, ist es verboten, die Vereinigung durchzuführen, GaR zu Nukwa auszudehnen, weil dies die Sünde des Baumes der Erkenntnis ist, durch welche die Urschlange den Tod zur Welt brachte. Sie trieb Adam und Eva an, diese Vereinigung unten, am Platz von SoN, unter Chase de AA zu machen, und dadurch befleckte sie auch oben. Das ist der Grund, warum der Siwug auch in den höheren AwI aufhörte.

"Das ist die Sünde der Urschlange, die sich unten verbindet und sich oben trennt. Und aus diesem Grund verursachte sie, was sie der Welt verursachte" denn sie verband SoN, um GaR in Nukwa unten an ihrem Platz zu geben. Dadurch veranlasste sie die Menschen der Welt, den Tod über sie zu bringen, weil sie oben trennte, was das Ende des Siwug in AwI verursachte, von welchen sich Leben zu den Menschen der Welt ausdehnt.

Wenn sich Sitra Achra nähert, um vom Siwug unter Chase de SoN zu säugen, der Platz, wo sie sich festhalten, hält der obere Siwug de AwI sofort an, weil sie vom gegenseitigen Geben sofort getrennt werden, so wird der Überfluss nicht zu Sitra Achra hinuntergehen. All dies geschah, weil sie unten getrennt und oben verbunden sein sollte, denn Sorgfalt ist erforderlich, um SoN unten an ihrem Platz zu trennen, damit sie sich dort unten in der Ausdehnung von GaR nicht paaren, und sie nur oben am Platz von AwI selbst verbinden.

Und das schwarze Licht sollte oben in einer Vereinigung vereint sein, weil das schwarze Licht, Nukwa de SA, zusammen mit SA zum weißen Licht zu AwI erhoben werden sollte, um SoN dort in einem Bonding zu verbinden. Außerdem gibt SA Überfluss an GaR von Aba zu Nukwa, und nachher kehrt Nukwa mit dem Überfluss, den sie an ihrem Platz unten empfing, zurück, wo NaRaN der Seelen Israels in einem Zustand von MaN sind. Das ist, warum gesagt wurde, dass sie sich später mit ihren Massen in einer Vereinigung vereinen wird. Sie vereinigt sich mit den Seelen von Israel, die "die Massen der Nukwa" genannt werden, in einer Vereinigung und gibt an sie vom Überfluss, den sie oben in AwI empfängt.

Sie sollte von der Bösen Seite getrennt sein, weil durch die Vermeidung, SoN an ihrem Platz unten zu verbinden, und Nukwa von der bösen Seite abzutrennen, Sitra Achra den Überfluss nicht genießen kann. Jedoch, wenn SoN unten verbunden sind, kann Sitra Achra den Überfluss empfangen, folglich werden AwI oben getrennt, und ihr Siwug wird angehalten.
211) Yet, we should know that Elokim is HaVaYaH and it is one without separation. HaVaYaH is the Elokim [“The Lord He is the God], and when a person knows that it is all one, and does not place separation, even the other side will depart from the world and will not be drawn down.
Although there is fear that he will evoke the Zivug de ZON in their place, it must not be a reason to avoid making the unification as it should be, in the place of AVI. Instead, we should know that Elokim is HaVaYaH, it is all one without separation, but we must extend the unification of ZON in the place of AVI, to unite the ZA with the Nukva as one without separation. And when a person knows that it is all one, and does not place separation, even the other side will depart from the world and will not be drawn below. This is so because if a person intensifies the raising of MAN and elevating the ZON to unite them in the place of AVI, as it should be, not only will the Sitra Achra not grip to the abundance, but it will cause the removal of the Sitra Achra so that she cannot govern the world.
212) It is written, “And let them be Me’orot [lights],” with the letters of Ohr [light] Mavet [death], since the Klipa follows the brain. The brain is light, and the other side is death. Light is in the bonding of the letters in the word Me’orot, and Mavet [death] is in the separated letters in the word Me’orot. When this light departs from there, the letters of the separation, Mavet, unite.
In other words, when you take the letters Ohr out of the word Me’orot, the letters Mavet join together. This is the meaning of “And let them be Me’orot [lights],” where the Klipa rises and follows the brain. Brain is light, and Sitra Achra is death. Light is in bonding the letters and death is in separating the letters.
Commentary: The force of Din in Malchut is the root of the existence of the Sitra Achra and the Klipot, as it is written, “And His kingdom rules over all.” Through the unification of the ZON in AVI for extension of VAK and GAR, the force of Din in Malchut is inverted into being black light by extension of VAK in the bottom unification of the Shema reading. Afterwards Malchut is raised once more to AVI, and her black light unites with the white light of upper AVI.
Therefore, this unification is implied in the verse, “And let them be Me’orot,” the letters of Ohr [light] and Mavet [death]. Light is in bonding the letters, where by extending the VAK and GAR to the Nukva in one bonding with the ZA in the place of AVI—as the force of Din was inverted in the Nukva into being actual light—so all the forces of the Sitra Achra and the Klipot that extend from this Din were cancelled. Thus, a Klipa rises after the brain, meaning that the Klipa is cancelled because of the Mochin de Nukva, since the root of the Sitra Achra, the force of Din in the Nukva, was cancelled in the Nukva’s brain and became light. Thus, the force of the Klipa was necessarily cancelled, too.
It follows that light is in the bonding of the letters, and death is in separated letters. By the bonding of ZON, when the force of Din became light, the letters Mavet, which are the Sitra Achra, were separated. They were cancelled inside the light and the combination Me’orot Ohr was made in the middle, in the bonding. And Mavet [death] is in separation—the letter Mem in the beginning of the word, and the letters Vav-Tav at the end of the word.
When this light departs from there, the letters of separation, Mavet, unite. When not making the unification in the place of AVI, but in the place of ZON below, the light departs from there because AVI are promptly separated from their Zivug and the light stops. Then the word Ohr comes out of the word Me’orot and the letters of Mavet join. This is so because after the elicitation of the light from the word Me’orot, the word death remains there because the letters of Ohr have already departed from the word and they no longer separate the letters of Mavet.
This implies to the sin of that primordial serpent, which connected below in the place of ZON, and hence separated above for AVI because their Zivug stopped because of it and has brought death to the world.
213) Eve began from these letters and caused harm to the world, as it is written, “And the woman saw that the tree was good.” She reverted the letters of Me’orot, taking the words VaTereh [saw] from there, leaving Mem-Vav in the word Me’orot. And they went and took the letter Tav with them, creating the combination Mavet [death]. Thus she caused death to the world.
The unification is explained in the letters, “Let them be Me’orot [lights],” which are extension of GAR to ZON. When uniting them above, in the place of AVI, it extends light in bonding, separating the letters of Mavet as it expands into them, and creating the combination Me’orot. If ZON are united below in their place, the light departs once more from the combination Me’orot, leaving there Mavet [death] in the bonding of the letters.
Eve began from these letters” because the beginning of Eve’s sin in the tree of knowledge begins with the letters, “And the woman saw that the tree was good.” Eve drew for herself the letters VaTereh [saw] from the word Me’orot, meaning that she heeded the advice of the serpent to connect ZON in their place below, thus blemishing the combination of Me’orot. Then she reverted the letters of Me’orot because by bonding below, she caused the separation of AVI above.
Thus, the letters of the combination Ohr [Aleph-Vav-Reish], which separate and cancel the combination Mavet in the word Me’orot, were separated and she made the combination VaTereh, in which the letters Ohr are dispersed in reverse order because of the Tav that came among them. The Tav, Nukva de Sitra Achra, who is called Mavet, approached the light to receive and to suckle from it.
It is so because in the Sitra Achra, which is called Mavet, there are male and female, SAM and Lilit. The letter Mem is the male of Mavet, who is called SAM, and the letter Tav is his Nukva, who is called Lilit. By heeding the advice of the serpent to connect from below, the Nukva of Mavet promptly approached to suckle from the abundance and the letters of Ohr were dispersed in reverse order, as in the combination VaTereh, because the Tav came inside the light [Ohr] and dispersed them.
After Eve drew the letters VaTereh from Me’orot, there remained Mem-Vav from the combination Me’orot, which are the male, who is called Mem of Mavet and Yesod, Vav of Mavet. They went and took the letter Tav with them, meaning that the male of Mavet, Mem-Vav, who remained from Me’orot, went to the Nukva, the Tav of Mavet, and they mated and brought Mavet upon the world, as it is written, VaTereh [“And the woman saw”].
The male of the Sitra Achra, Mem-Vav, mated with the Tav of VaTereh, who was already in Eve. This is the meaning of the serpent coming over Eve and casting filth in her. By heeding the advice of the serpent, the Tav entered her, separating and dispersing the letters Ohr [Aleph-Vav-Reish], and making the combination of the letters VaTereh [And the woman saw”] with her seeing. Afterwards, the male of the Sitra Achra, Mem-Vav, came and mated with the Tav, who was already in Eve, and Mavet [“death,” Mem-Vav-Tav] appeared in the world.
214) Rabbi Elazar sagte: „Mein Vater, ich habe gelernt, dass, nachdem Eva die Buchstaben WaTerech von Me’orot genommen hat, nicht Mem-Waw übrig geblieben sind, sondern nur Mem, denn das Waw – welches immer ein Zeichen des Lebens ist, wurde in Mawet umgedreht, während sie (es) zurückließ/fortging und das Tav mit ihr nahm, wie geschrieben steht: ‚Und sie nahm …. und sie gab’. Daher wurde dieses Wort vervollständigt und die Buchstaben Mawet verbanden sich miteinander“. Er erwiderte ihm: „Gesegnet bist du, mein Sohn.“

Kommentar: Mem blieb alleine, ohne Waw, Jessod, denn SaM, welcher das männliche/der Mann von Mawet ist, hat kein Jessod, weil ein anderer Gott unfruchtbar ist und keine Früchte trägt. Vielmehr wurde das Waw, Leben, das Jessod von Kedusha [Heiligkeit] von der Kedusha zur Klipa umgekehrt und wurde ein Jessod für das männliche von Mawet. Nachdem es Jessod von Kedusha erhalten hatte, ging Waw und paarte sich mit Taw, durch das Verbinden von Mem mit Taw durch das Waw, das er von der Kedusha geraubt hat.

Der Beweis ist der Baum der Erkenntnis, der mit dem Verbinden des Waw mit dem Taw beginnt, wie geschrieben steht: „Und sie nahm … und gab“ [„und“ ist Waw und „nahm“ und „gab“ beginnen beide mit Taw im Hebräischen], denn der Ausgang des Taw zur Sitra Achra wurde durch den Baum der Erkenntnis selbst geboren, den sie vorher nicht hatte. Rabbi Shimon stimmte seinen Worten zu.

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